Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First, Lets Do the Numbers

In this age of computers, spread sheets, resettable odometers, electronic fuel consumption measurement, etc. it’s easier to do the numbers, so let’s do them.

This trip covered 12,850 miles of mostly secondary roads. The car, a 2004 Prius, was driven at the speed limits, not to exceed 65 mph, by cruise control. It averaged 51.66 mpg on fuel that varied in price from $3.17 to $5.00 per gallon with an average cost of $3.63/gal. Total fuel consumption was 249 gallons accounting for 2.5 tons of CO2. The carbon emission was offset by 2.5 acres of trees in one year on my Carroll County tree farm (What a smug green SOB, this blogger!).

Lodging and food were the dominant other expenses. Lodging consisted of staying at friends and family (44% of the time), camping(22%), and moteling(38%). Food was a combination of grocery food, eating occasionally at good but reasonable restaurants, and having a few too many fish sandwiches and pies from the one universally available source, McDonalds.

Total cost for the 55 days was $4152 or $75.50/day. Fuel was 21.7%, lodging 35.5%, camping 4.8% with the rest, food and drink for self and friends, books, posters, admissions etc. 38%. Of course, there were some savings at home estimated to be: electricity, gas, water and sewage and the at-home food consumption and car usage. There were also some new costs: cutting the grass to satisfy the homeowners association and the neighbors. The incremental cost of the trip is estimated at $3000.

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